Content Block
John Curtin Anniversary Lecture is an annual event held to commemorate the anniversary of John Curtin’s death. Speakers of potential public interest are invited by the JCPML to present on a topic of their choice. Lecture recordings and transcripts can be found in the table below.
Presentation title | Presenter | Lecture date | Transcript | Video |
Joining the dots: Ṉäku Dhäruk and the Yirrkala Bark Petitions | Professor Clare Wright | 2023 | None | X |
The world after John Curtin: Geopolitics and the planet | Professor Tom Griffiths | 2023 | X | X |
Facing existential threats: Curtin to now | Hon. Kim Beazley | 2021 | X | X |
What is the point of reconciliation? | Kerry O’Brien | 2019 | X | X |
The return of history: can liberal democracy survive? | Stan Grant | 2018 | X | X |
Great reform requires courage | Hon. Julia Gillard | 2017 | X | X |
Curtin’s call: what our 14th prime minister would make of the federal election campaign | Sally Warhaft | 2016 | X | None |
The legacy of John Curtin, Gallipoli and the Eureka Stockade | Peter FitzSimons | 2015 | None | None |
Is constitutional freedom enough? | Geoff Gallop | 2014 | X | X |
If they could see us now, what would the founders say? | Hon. Chief Justice Robert French | 2013 | X | None |
John Curtin’s vision and leadership: lessons for today | Jeffrey L. Bleich | 2011 | X | None |
Australian foreign policy under labor governments from John Curtin’s prime ministership to present | Stephen Smith | 2010 | X | None |
Australia and Asia and the new order after the financial crisis | Hon. Paul Keating | 2009 | X | None |
John Curtin – a tribute: strengthening the rule of law and Australian democracy | Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser | 2008 | X | None |
Shaping a nation: visionary leadership in a time of fear and uncertainty | Professor Larissa Behrendt | 2007 | X | None |
John Curtin: a Labor life | Senator John Faulkner | 2006 | X | None |
A confident and distinctive foreign policy | Dr. Ashton Calvert | 2005 | X | None |
An Australian vision: foreign policy challenges in the 21st century | Paul Kelly | 2004 | X | X |
John Curtin’s world and ours | Hon. Paul Keating | 2002 | X | None |
John Curtin’s abiding vision | Hon. Kim Beazley | 2001 | X | None |
The politics of conscience | Senator Natasha Stott Despoja | 2000 | X | None |
In search of the light on the hill | Hazel Hawke | 1999 | X | None |
John Curtin: parliament, party, people | Hon. Gough Whitlam | 1998 | X | None |